
Particle console

The Arduino library has been updated to work with V6! See the quickstart below.

Sample code is located here:

Library is located here:

Quick Start:

This quick start assumes you have Particle Workbench installed.

  1. Clone this repo onto a place on your machine: git clone
  2. Init the library submodule using git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Open the repo with Visual Code: (code . using the command line, or file->open)
  4. Open /src/AirQualityWing.ino
  5. Select your target device in the lower bar (Options are: argon and boron)
  6. Hit cmd + shift + p to get the command menu
  7. Select Compile application (local). You can also choose Cloud flash as long as board.h has not been modified.
  8. Enjoy playing around with your Air Quality Wing!

This example has been tested with DeviceOS 3.1.0. It's recommended to upgrade if you have problems.